2021. 3. 11. 21:56ㆍ카테고리 없음
So I started looking at the study: the number of scientists in the US from 1900 to 2013. What I found out was not encouraging. The total number of researchers in the field of biology was more than 3 times the number from 1900 to 2013. But the difference between the two has grown by almost 30%. At the most recent publication date of 2012 the number of American biologists was just under 7,000, and that total surpassed 13,500 by 2010. (The total of biologists in the US has been around 8-10,000 until the start of the industrial revolution.) The number of scientists in the field of chemistry had increased from less than 100 in 1900 to more than 30,000 in 1900 and remained at that level until the end of the industrial age. The number of biologists in other fields was even greater, especially math, although it is not sure if these data points are correct.. Why This Book Matters: One of the great pleasures of reading "Camelot Book of Common Sense," a book we consider the bible of modern anti-social behavior, is that it allows children to see clearly what it means to be a "bad dude" and not fall victim to the modern culture wars that plague children's books because of all the media, all the television, all the Internet, and the constant onslaught of pop-culture.. What's this "Camelot Book of Common Sense"? This book is the first in a series of books called "Camelot" which we consider the "world's first" or "official" book by Mary Anne Huffman. Each "Camelot" brings something that can be of tremendous value to a child's education and a critical mindset in the culture, family, and society.
But the article isn't all gloomy gloom for statistical science. It also makes mention of David Hume's remark about the natural objectivity of scientists' opinions.
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